Friday 5 October 2012

Folded Wreath

We found this delightful little wreath in a magazine and Jill just had to make it up and put it onto a card.

Here are the instructions on how to make the wreath.

Cut eight 2” x 4”  (5cm x 10cm) paper strips. Fold each one as follows:

1. Fold in half - 4” edge up to meet 4” edge.
2. Fold in half - 1” end to meet 1” end and open back out.
3. Holding paper with open edges at the top, fold down corners at each end to be even with folded edge.
4. Re-fold along centre crease, bringing the pointed tips together.
5. Once you have eight of this shape, slot the pointed ends of one piece into the two ‘pockets’ at the top of the next piece. (One point per pocket).
6. Continue inserting each shape into the next, finish by inserting the first tips into the last pockets. Adjust so finished wreath is evenly shaped.

If you wish to hang a bell inside the wreath, before inserting last tip, adhere looped thread from bell in place at rear of shape – position tape so it will be hidden once shape is inserted into next shape.

If you are making a card like the one shown, remember to cut the circle (where bell hangs) from the card BEFORE you emboss the card to avoid flattening your embossing!

Make sure you have a look at this gorgeous card next time you pop in for a visit.

81 sleeps until Christmas!!!!!

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